Hey, peeps! I haven’t been able to post much lately due to the day job, so I thought I’d submit for your examination a quizzical little object for a What’s That? contest.

I’m showing you the entire object because it’s so odd, no one would get it if I only showed a small portion of it.

The only hints I’ll offer are that it’s old and it’s not mine.

How to play:

Easy! First person to guess the object wins a Junk Drawer magnet AND your choice of bacon bandaids or chocolate chip cookie soap.



OK, so what is that?

UPDATE: Someone has guessed very close to the correct answer (and earns a prize). I won’t say who it was. I’ll only say that the object is NOT a pencil sharpener. This is a pencil sharpener. Some of you might remember that as the post wherein I yelled at everyone for getting it right away.

So here’s your second chance to win. Sift through the comments and see if you know who got close, and then take it a step further. I know you can do it!

Stumble it!