cranky Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

It has been eleven days since my last blog post.

Not a lot going on here, except work is sucking me dry. I’m tired, cranky and can’t think, type or speak straight.

I’m ready for autumn like yesterday and the take-out place I got dinner from tonight burned my garlic knots.

When I woke up this morning, I stretched real good over my head and then promptly pulled something in my neck.

I can’t look left. Maybe never again.

Yesterday I stress-ate 25 caramel creams one right after the other and then I had to unbutton my pants to breathe. Also got a monster sugar headache. Duh.

I tripped while walking and stubbed my toe and then slammed my shin against a table and now I’m black and blue and stupid.

Basically, I’m real cranky and no one should talk to me unless they come bearing a box of chocolates. Or flowers. Or chocolate flowers.

Hope you’re all having a better week than me, full of sunshine and unicorns.

Someone should.

I’ll be back to regular posting when I think something is funny. Even if it’s me finding out I’ve been walking around with a trail of toilet paper stuck to my shoe.

At the rate I’m going……

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