You would think What’s That? posts would be easy to do, but you’d be so wrong. I’ve been looking for something to feature for days and nixed a ton of stuff. Muh head hurts. After a long struggle, I found something that made the cut.

This item has the following characteristics:

1. It does something.

2. I used it once and hated it.

Crystal clear, yes?

How to play:

1. The photo shows a small portion of a larger object.

2. First person to guess the object it’s a part of wins a Junk Drawer magnet and a mystery prize.

Most likely a prize involving bacon, since people keep giving me novelty bacon items they find in their travels. My desk drawer at work looks like a deli. Apparently, everyone I know thinks of me when they see bacon. How did that happen?



What’s that?

UPDATE: It appears I need to give a hint since no one has guessed the object correctly.

Because my brain didn’t hurt enough coming up with this item, I decided to write a clue in the form of a limerick. Limericks are hard to write at 5AM. Just sayin’.

I actually wrote better ones, but they would totally give it away. So here you go. My vague limerick:

You use it not inside, but out.

And hold as you walk all about.

It would be really swell

If it caused you to yell

"I’ve got something here, I’ve no doubt!"

Stumble it!